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I believe that part of the defining human experience is personal growth, achievable only through learning. While learning is innate, higher order thinking, “soft-skills”, and occupation-specific processing are more efficiently developed when taught.


My time as a doctoral student at Michigan State University (MSU) has been a period during which I learned the most about teaching and found the spark to explore the discipline. MSU’s Graduate Certification in College Teaching ignited and focused my pedagogical learning experience. My time as an Inside Teaching MSU 2016-17 Fellow introduced me to the higher education community and its terminology. I received a 2017-18 Future Academic Scholars in Teaching (FAST) Fellowship, which prepared me to engage in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) via completion of a teaching-as-research (TAR) project. This year I am looking forward to my time as a Bailey Scholars Program (BSP) Graduate Fellow, during which I will co-convene a course in the Leadership in Integrated Learning minor, an element of the BSP. The BSP has historically been comprised of the most diverse student body in terms of race and academic major for MSU undergraduate programs. Together these experiences provided the scaffolding I needed to develop as a self-directed learner and active contributor to the higher education teaching and learning community, which will forever be influenced by and improve my experiences in the classroom.





Teaching Convener, Integrated Learning Transitions (ANR410), Fall 2018 – Spring 2019


  • Human Resource Management: Changes and Challenges (FIM415), Spring 2018

  • Labor and Personnel Management in the Agri-Food System (ABM337), Fall 2017

Teaching Assistant,

  • Retail Information Systems (FIM460), Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

  • Food Marketing Management (FIM335), Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

  • Data Analysis in the Agri-Food System (ABM203), Spring 2016

  • Labor and Personnel Management in the Agri-Food System (ABM337), Fall 2015

  • Public Finance (PPL813, Graduate course), Spring 2013

  • Introduction to Microeconomics (EC201), Fall 2012 – Spring 2013

  • Introduction to Macroeconomics (EC202), Fall 2012






Bailey Scholars Program (BSP): AY2018/19

      Teaching convener in undergraduate honor’s program that historically has the most diverse racial and academic major composition

      of undergraduate students at MSU

Future Academic Scholar in Teaching (FAST): AY2017/18

      Completed TAR project on quiz submission time’s relationship to grades in a flipped course

​Inside Teaching MSU: AY2016/17

      Wrote blog post and facilitated inside teaching lounge with N. Geske on 3/17/16


Please visit my CV for other teaching related experiences including certifications, professional development, publications, and presentations.

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