
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Agriculture at Fort Hays State University (FHSU). I teach the agriculture core agribusiness classes: Introduction to Agribusiness (AGRI113), Marketing Farm Products (AGRI211), and Farm Management (AGRI311). I also have experience teaching American Agricultural History (AGRI325) and Human Resource Management in Agriculture (at Michigan State University). I typically carry a 4-4 teaching load with an occasional class in the summer. In Fall 2023 I will be teaching five classes, two in person and three online.
For my in person classes I enjoy inviting guest speakers and going on field trips and so am grateful to all those who give their time to do this. I also want to thank Jill, Susan, and Janice at the Kansas Agricultural and Leadership Program (KARL). My participation in https://karlprogram.com/ has facilitated networking to provide these opportunities to students.
I also enjoy reading about teaching innovations in the agricultural and applied economics field at https://www.aetrjournal.org/ and have incorporated materials from their publications into class. Personally, I have published about an experiential client-based project in the NACTA Journal, another great resource for agricultural instructors. This particular article is available at https://www.nactateachers.org/attachments/article/2816/15.%20Kaminski.pdf.
This article sprang from my time at Michigan State University (MSU). I graduated with a Ph.D. in Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics in August 2020. The three articles resulting from dissertation work are:
V. Caputo, D.M. Kaminski, and M. Porter. (2023) “Dairy workers’ preferences for compensatory benefits: A field experiment with U.S. immigrants and students” Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2:198–214. The article can be accessed at https://bit.ly/comppref
Kaminski, D.M., V. Caputo, and M. McKendree. (2023) “The U.S. Public's Attitudes on Animal and Worker Welfare in the Dairy and Poultry Industries” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Preprint. The article can be accessed at https://bit.ly/publicattitudes
D.M. Kaminski and V. Caputo. "Eggs Produced Under Certified Labor Conditions: Are U.S. Consumers Willing to Pay for It and Does Prior Information Impact Their Behavior?" (work in progress)
These articles concentrate on employee working conditions in the dairy industry by employing discrete choice (DCE) and best-worst scaling (BWS) experiments. The viewpoints of multiple stakeholders along the agri-food supply chain are incorporated. These works span research in labor economics/human resource management, food marketing, and public policy.
I am currently working on finishing a research project begun with two undergraduate FHSU students. Additionally I am leading a subcommittee of the Teaching, Learning, and Communication section of AAEA that is researching innovation in agribusiness programs. Working with this subcommittee has introduced me to a number of educators in our field, and I am honored to say that I was elected section chair in summer 2023.
Perhaps the best way to see the comprehensive picture of who I am professionally is to view my CV or to Contact Me for more information.